How to deal with a situation when someone asks you for feedback
How can I deal with the situation when someone asks me for my feedback? When it is hard to give them the right one.
Dealing with situations like giving feedback when the feedback is 100% going to hurt that person in front of you. In our lives, many hardest situations come to make us afraid. Sometimes physically and many times emotionally. When we talk about the emotional condition it is more than the physical.
Most people ask an emotional situation problem solutions from introverted people. Because introverts are good listeners, observers, and emotional situation solver person. For quick, hard, and physically tricky situations, they choose extroverts as their problem solver.
In daily life; in our office or at home with friends or with a family member, it comes suddenly when you don’t prepare for that situation. And you have not prepared for that question’s answer.
What you can do at that time?
It is a time when you have to take a break and think with a calm mind. You have to frame an answer in your mind first then speak.
What should I deal with when someone asks for feedback
- Keep silent for a second.
- Think about the person’s question very clearly and carefully.
- Read their facial expression.
- Think about the matter. Is that thing which they involved in his question more sentimentally or emotionally involved with him?
- Or it is just a normal problem with him, which is asked him in front of you?
What should I do to give positive feedback?
Can I deal with the situation when someone asks me for my feedback?
Yes, you can deal with that, just don’t think too negatively first unless you freak out.
Giving positive feedback is not an easy task for everyone. Just like any other thing in life, this is also natural for some people to give positive feedback to the person in front of them. But some are very poor, they directly tell the truth also in a very bad way.
At the end of this feedback session
If it is necessary give them the right and to-the-point feedback. And that is also very important for them don’t hesitate to tell them. Hiding the truth may hurt them badly in the future. And maybe someday they ask the same question to someone else and then they are going to be more hurt to know the truth about your feedback.