Contact and Suggestions Page
This Contact and Suggestions are for readers who want to reach us to give any suggestions. Or give us any suggestions to improve our site’s readability and clarity. Or check our privacy policy page before using our site.
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Contact with Us
You can contact us if you want to give any suggestions based on:
Our site reading issues that we have to improve to make it easily readable.
If you are unable to navigate on our site or unable to find or search topics.
If you have any topic as a suggestion and you want us to write on it please suggest us.
And if You have posted a comment on this site but now you want to delete it. For this, you can request us to delete that particular comment.
You have topics
If you have topics based on and related to our categories then suggest us. You can first check our all categories then email the topic with your name or idea.
Site Readability
If you find a problem in reading contact us and give suggestions to improve us. If your language is not English then you can change it from your browser setting.
Deletion Request or Post
If you want to post content on our blog you can give it to us. After modifying we can post it on our blog site. Or can request to delete your posted comment.